Sunday, November 30, 2008

Book Review: 10 Smart Things Gay Men Can Do to Find Real Love

10 Smart Things Gay Men Can Do to Find Real Love 10 Smart Things Gay Men Can Do to Find Real Love by Joe Kort

My review

An excellent book! Kort discusses all the big and small ways we're affected by homophobia and how it can leave parts of our personalities shut down and how to reassert our inner kings, warriors, lovers, and magicians. He also illustrates the main stages of adult relationships, what to expect and how to work through them. He explains that after the first bloom of euhporia wears off there is a power struggle, but if you're willing to work through that and face your own issues then you can fully enjoy an adult romantic relationship. Kort advises that it's in a relationship that we're held accountable and presented with the issues we need to work on and it's relationships that provide the best opportunity to grow as a person. So much for my recent desire to sit on the sidelines.

He also makes the observation that each of us is at the same level of evolution as those we date. As much of a wound as this is to my pride I have to agree that, intellectually, it makes sense. No more taking comfort in feeling superior to all those immature ex's. Let's have a big Homer Simpson “D’oh” on that one!

View all my reviews.


EMullins said...

I normally can't really get into books like this, but I'm starting to feel kinda desperate here!

TiminSD said...

Eddie, I understand how you feel. Although, being about 15 years older, my desparation is at a whole other level. Maybe Chuck will give us some advice.

EMullins said...

"He" is out there for both of us --I'm surea we'll find him most unexpectedly (soon, I hope!).