Wednesday, November 11th I started working for Nik Software. They create software that help adjust the color and lighting of digital photographs. Besides creating plug-ins that work with PhotoShop, Lightroom, and Aperture, they also wrote Capture NX2 for Nikon. It's a small company with about 25 people here in San Diego and about the same number in Germany. My duties are similar to what I was doing for the architecture firm; directing phone calls and visitors and assisting the HR Director.
It's a fun, creative group to work with. Besides the professional photographers that work with the company and promote the software, many of the staff are accomplished photographers. They have employee photography contests several times a year. Although I found it ironic that at the Casino Night this past Friday, in a roomful of high-powered photographers, everyone pulled out their iPhones, camera phones, and little point-and-shoot cameras to take snapshots

One of the perks of having a relationship with Nikon is having a whole bunch of Nikon cameras and lenses that we can check out and use. So yesterday I checked out a Nikon D200 which is a really nice camera with more on it than I'm used to, but one of the guys helped show me how it works and gave me a few pointers. I also borrowed a nice flash unit and spent much of the afternoon trying it out. For the shot above, Raymond, our warehouse guy who ships out our stuff, kindly posed in the lobby.
The picture, below, of Mission Valley was taken from a spot just up the road from our office. You'll notice the trees are a very pretty yellow proving that we do indeed have fall color here in San Diego. And if you think that's pretty weak for fall color, just keep in mind that it's late November, 75 degrees, with lots of warm sunshine and perfect for driving with the top down in a t-shirt.

1 comment:
awesome! good luck with the new job; sounds like it's going to be a great place to work.
i would be freaking out, surrounded by all that photographic talent :)
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