Sunday, May 03, 2009

Rollerblading Mission Bay Park

Christian, Bruno, Randall, and Andreas.

I try to be the guy with the camera so I don’t actually get in the picture, but sometimes they catch me.

Last night at Kicker’s Christian and Randall were talking about going rollerblading today and asked me if I wanted to go. Bruno was there so I asked him if we wanted to join us. So today, about 12:30 I put the top down and headed over to pick up Bruno by the Park. After picking up Christian in University Heights we drove to Mission Bay Park along the 5 to meet Andreas and Randall. Bruno braved the back seat of the convertible with the top down at highway speeds by holding onto his hat and leaning forward to hear us. With the windows up it's really nice in the front seat but the back is a little noisy and windy.
It was a beautiful day here in San Diego, if a bit windy by the ocean. After a cool, cloudy April lots of people were out enjoying the sun. Along the way we ran into Tim and Jae also out on rollerblades with their Jack Russell Terrier mix puppy.
Andreas has been really sick with mono for a couple weeks so he didn't rollerblade but he did enjoy being out in the warm sun. After we’d gone clear over to Sea World and back Christian was hungry so the three of us drove into Hillcrest for burritos in a bowl at Chipotlé. What a great day and an overall terrific weekend!

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