Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Rudy & Mazen's Holiday Party December 2, 2006

Here it is almost the end of January and there are still photos and events from December that I haven't posted yet. I beg the excuse of the crazy holiday rush.

This photo is from Rudy and Mazen's Holiday Party on a fine Saturday evening in December here in San Diego. That's Rudy holding the oversized present with Mazen in the red shirt to his left.

They take a lot of time with the decorations and go to some expense for a caterer that provides great food and a popular coffee cart. It's their present to their friends. They're such great, nice, warm, friendly, down to earth guys the people that attend their party are all terrific. I re-scheduled dinner out with Dan and Peter so as not to miss their party. Thanks again for another great evening guys!

P.S. The fireplace photo I included as part of my Christmas Letter posted on Christmas Day is theirs and was taken during their party.

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