Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Christmas Day, 2006
Monday, January 29, 2007
Last Day at Wawanesa December 22, 2006
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Rudy & Mazen's Holiday Party December 2, 2006
Monday, January 22, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
This was another example of a picture that took me all day to get and was a surprise when I realized that's the photo I was trying to get all along.
When I walked out of the building I work in and looked towards the bay I was startled by an even bigger cruise ship than the one shown below and docked slightly closer. It seemed to be bearing down on me from a quarter mile away. I tried all day to get a picture illustrating the effect. I took pictures just out side the building, I got shots along the dock close to the boat, I even took some shots outside our second floor conference room with the top of the ship lurking over the tops of the palm trees. When I left work at 5pm, the sun had started to set. As I walked towards the bay, taking photos as I went, the ship's horn gave off a great loud, low, long blast that is still echoing among the buildings. And then the ship started to back away from the dock.
At glacial, stately speeds the ship backs up and turns, then heads forward towards the mouth of the bay. I'm taking pictures the whole way, even some video, and I'm not happy with what I'm getting. Meanwhile the sun is going down fast. Finally, I see that a small sailboat is going to cross the bay behind the cruise ship and when they line up will be my picture.
I know that most will say that the camera needed to be on a tripod to avoid the shaky lines caused by my inability to hold the camera perfectly still while the shutter is open for a long time in the low light. Perhaps, but I still like the shot.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Ice Storm in Austin
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Art Project Source
Though sunny it was cold so I pulled out the winter gear. Sneakers, no sandals, crew socks, long pants, and a long sleave thermal t-shirt. This is "bundling up" in San Diego.
I expected sunny and clear, but I wasn't prepared for how incredibly clear it was. The ocean looked higher, closer. I could see mountains way to the north beyond Camp Pendleton. The horizon was a clear, distinct line between water and sky. I had a great time for 2 1/2 hours taking photos of the cliffs and the beach and the surf and the rocks and the birds and walking and breathing. I thought I had some good shots and kept putting the camera away as the sun was going down and it started to get really cold. I didn't want to climb back up that cliff in the dark. But the sunset just kept getting better and better. It actually dropped beneath the sea as I was pulling out my camera for the last time. This photo was taken just after the sunset. The sky was completely saturated with color. It was the second to last picture I took. Somehow I don't think I could have just shown up at sunset and taken that photo. I needed that 2 1/2 hours to search for what I didn't realize I would find.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Downtown San Diego, January 2, 2007
I'm enjoying working in Downtown San Diego very much. There's always something to see. I've started taking my camera with me to work every day so I don't miss any photo opportunities.
The building I work in is just 2 blocks from San Diego Bay where all the cruise ships dock. I didn't realize how big these things really are until I moved to San Diego and saw one in person. These things don't just pull up and park in downtown Champaign, Illinois. If they did they'd be the tallest thing there. This picture is taken from over 2 blocks away. Not in the picture is a 15 story Holiday Inn directly across the street stretching its neck trying to be taller.