All that are present
reach a hand back
to all those that passed.
You did not go in vain.
The AIDS epidemic is 25 years old. That there are people younger than that contracting AIDS still is a real failure of humanity as a global community. Many shackle our best efforts by promoting abstinence. They make much of the failure rate of condoms. But what is the failure rate of abstinence? The next time you're in a room with someone preaching the benefits of abstinence and the evils of condoms ask them: The failure rate of condoms is about 3%, what is the failure rate of abstinence? How many people here were born as a result of failed abstinence? And what kind of a back up plan does abstinence only give you? If you know how to use condoms you can still chose abstinence. But if you've been taught abstinence only, and that fails, where does that leave you? Unwantedly pregnant or sick? We deserve better.
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