Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kitten Family Photo

Sweet Pea, 3rd cat from the left, went to his new home yesterday afternoon and Steve took Bubba, far left, this morning.  Jeff wanted a picture of all the kids before they scattered to the four corners of the earth San Diego.  We're giving Katie extra treats, but she still seems kind of depressed.  I suggested taking her to visit them all in a couple weeks.

Test Photos

Saturday, August 20, 2011

How much are the kittens in the window?

They've grown SO MUCH!  They seem to get bigger by the hour.  They got their first shot and a clean bill of health from the vet this morning.  They still nurse a little but the vet said this is the perfect time for them to go to their new homes.  All of them are spoken for unless someone backs out at the last minute. Or you can try to sweet talk someone out of theirs.