At work we did a Secret Santa gift exchange in which we emailed the whole group our wish lists so that our Secret Santa could get it with out anyone knowing who they were. The exchange was so delightful I wanted to save it here:
Ok everyone,
Please make a list of your likes/ hobbies, and send it to everyone who is participating, so that way whoever picked your name gets a better idea of what to get you.
You are so clever Lauryn…
I would like a MAC (Makeup) Gift Card J
I’m sorry Miss Elizabeth you are going to have to add to your list, no “ONE” gift card suggestion allowed.
You are going to have to work a little harder than that for your gift this year.
Throw in a “Home Depot” or a “Jack in the Box” gift card or something.
It’s suppose to be a surprise, how is it a surprise if you only pick one card?
Is the surprise figuring out what mall they bought it at, that’s not the spirit of Secret Santa that’s Google Maps.
We’ll be waiting and thank you for participating.
Happy Holidays
"The Grinch"
oh Jeeze…
OK - so either a MAC gift card or Starbucks (No Home Depot or Jack in the Box please J).
Costume Jewelry, Hats, beanies or the high socks (the girls next door wear them) They are found at American Apparel…
Sorry Miss Elizabeth. Maybe my Holiday song will make you feel better for putting you on the spot.
By the way what is the deal with the gift card discrimination; I chose those specifically with you in mind. I thought you would love them, I guess it’s a good thing I’m not your Secret Santa or I would have a very disappointed Christmas munchkin on my hands at the Lunch ;)
So here it is for some holiday cheer in the second week of November.
Oh, Jingle Bells, the kitchen smells
The delivery got away
Oh, what fun it is to hide
From Chuck on Timecard day, hey!
Jingle Bells, Tim misspells
The mail was late today
Oh, my dear, Dale’s not here
I might just scream from fear.
This year for xmas I would like…
Two or Three small colorful (or not) cloth pouches nothing bigger than 3”x6” (I need it for my small electronics)
A 10 dollar gift certificate to Walgreen’s or Target, Miss Elsa needs new Mascara or you can get it for me it’s Cover Girl ”Professional Super Thick Lash Mascara” it’s in a Hot Pink Container.
Maybe some fun high socks that I can wear with my boots. None of those socks with individual toes, those hurt.
or always a classic Black and White Movie DVD’s (Anything with Clark Gable, Jimmy Stewart or Cary Grant) I’m actually quite easy to please, so I’m sure you’ll be able to pick something that I’ll love.
Only request NO bathroom smelly stuff, NO picture frames… I already have way too much of that… so… Merry Xmas everybody! I hope you liked my holiday song J
Linda needs new markers!
I love the Chartpaks (available at Blick).
Elsa, I know this is one stop shopping, but since the colors are a
surprise is this acceptable?
I don't know Linda, it seems to me that there is not enough fear in
your heart that you'll get what you want. This feels pretty safe.
As I remember as a kid we were always hoping and wishing that we would
get what we really wanted. We were always afraid that maybe our
parents didn't get it right and instead of getting Black Converse High
Tops like we wanted we would get Pink L.A. Gear's.
So I think we need to throw in a couple more things into the mix for
good measure. You need to be anxious when you open your gift and being
surprised because you got the purple marker instead of the maroon one
doesn't really count.
Once again we'll be waiting and thank you for participating.
Happy Holidays
The Grinch
Dear Grinch,
Since finding a maroon marker instead of a mauve one in my stocking
doesn't qualify as "living on the edge," here are some other thoughts:
1. I want to become better acquainted with Pulitzer - winning
2. I want to make myself a crocheted wall hanging (saw one on the
cover of Met Home) and I have no idea where to start with this.
3. I like to make my own salad dressing and love little cruets to
keep oil and vinegars in. I would also be most happy with a little
brush to scrub the insides of them.
4. ...and of course, the markers (the right shade of purple, after
all, can make or break so much)...
i have been a so-so girl this year...
it’s true:
i tell my kids they can’t have dessert until they finish dinner,
then eat their halloween candy for breakfasti
occasionally intentionally miss the bathroom waste basket to piss my husband off
and i do sometimes fake throw the ball to my dog then hide it as he confusedly searches the house (heeheehee)
but c’mon is that so bad???
so this is all i’m asking for ...
golf balls - nike power distance
or golf glove - left hand only women’s med
(and i promise not to use these on fridays)
or costume jewelry - like kenneth cole or lucky brand stuff at macys
or surfer t-shirt (M) or accessories - like roxy or hurley (once an OC girl, always and OC girl)
and lastly santa, and what i want most for for the
santa list approval nazi OK my i don’t have to resend this!! :D
I’m crying I’m laughing so hard. I loved this.